Fr. Ezekoka Peter Onyekachi

is three consubstantial persons –Father,
Son, and Holy Spirit– as one God in three divine persons. They are
distinct, yet are of one essence.
Today, we encounter a
three-sentence and a three-verse episode which are read as one Gospel (John
3:16-18). It is not out of place to think that this is possible because of the
Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity that we celebrate today. Today, we are faced
with the greatest of all mysteries which cannot be explained in its plenitude
or even understood in its fullness. This reminds me of the experience of
Okonkwo in the Things Fall Apart. The
villagers had gathered to listen to the missionaries explain the Trinity to
them. After the effort of the missionary to explain to the people of Amantain Umuofia that the one true God
they were being introduced to had a son, Jesus Christ, Okonkwo immediately
intercepted: then this God must have a wife. No, replied the missionary. At this
point, according to the author, Chinua Achebe, Okonkwo knew that the missionary
was really mad. Okonkwo failed to comprehend such a being due to the limitations
of his human mind. He had not conceived how a Father can exist with a Son
without a mother. Today, we must know that the reality of the Trinity is not a
human thing, but a divine reality, even though we see very many human and
natural realities that are inspired by the Trinity, the reality of
The Gospel spells out
God’s reason for allowing his son to be killed for the salvation of the world;
this reason is love. He so loved the world that he gave his son. The mainspring
of God’s being is love, and this God is trinitarian. As classical theology
says, the Father is the Lover, the Son is the Beloved and the Spirit is the
love, and the overflowing of this love is creation, which gained its highest
expression in mankind. And so human beings are called to love which is the life
of God, their creator. The Second Reading (2 Cor. 13:11-13) gives us the way to
practice this love on earth: rejoice, mend your ways, obey God, agree with one
another, and live in peace. If we do this, then the grace of Jesus Christ, the
love of God, and the fellowship of the Spirit would remain with us. You don’t love
God if you don’t love your neighbour. And in the First Reading (Exodus 34:4b.
6. 8-9), God revealed himself to Moses as a God who abounds in steadfast love
and mercy. It is the love that saved the Israelites from the hands of Pharoah. God
is simply love. His love is both saving and merciful. Love binds the three
persons of the Trinity together. And the inspiration felt from this reality of
these three are all over nature and created reality. Let’s go.
In all of material
creation, we see the reality of three individual manifestations that possess
one reality. Matter exists in three forms: solid, liquid and Gas. Matter is
anything that has weight and occupies spaces. The material reality is created
by God and reflects the structure of the Godhead in its three forms of solid,
liquid and Gas. Water as a material
reality can also exist in three forms. As water it exists in liquid form. When cooled,
it is ice, and hence solid form. When heated, it is vapour and hence gaseous
form. But it is the same reality. In combustion, the fire also produces the effect of heat as well as smoke. If
we move to the world of vegetation, especially of fruits, we come to realize
that many fruits have three major parts: the outer layer, the middle layer and
the inner layer. In the mango or the pear, the outer layer covers the edible part
of the fruit which covers the seed; all making up the fruit.
In biological
realities, we notice this same inspiration from the three-in-one reality. The egg
has the shell, the albumen and the yoke. Man is composed of body,
mind and spirit. The body of man makes for his physical nature, the
mind of man makes for his mental nature as the spirit of man makes for his
spiritual nature. In the world of technology, scientists were inspired to
produce machines that have three relational parts but working as a whole to
achieve wholeness. The fan is an example; even the tricycle too. Also, in
production, we see the mathematical application of three. Three lines are
necessary to form a plan figure. Three dimensions of length, breadth and width are necessary to form a solid.
In temporal
(timeliness) reality, time exists in three forms –past, present, and future.
All are necessary for a worthy living. I have not also seen any clock that has
more than three hands. There are the seconds hand, the minute hand and the hour
hand. God is spoken about in Rev. 1:4 as a God who was, who is and who
is to come. During our liturgical celebration, we notice the triad repetition
of some words. In the Confiteor, the
penitent clearly beats his/her chest three times with the words, mea culpa. Have you asked yourself why
the expression is said thrice and not less or more than? During the praise sand
after the preface, we meet the words,
Holy Holy Holy... this connects us to
Isaiah 6:3 and Rev. 4:8). Why are there not more than three holies, and not
less? Another point here is, why are the words not in progression –Holy, Holier Holiest? Our God is holy;
yes. None is greater than the other and none is less than the other. They are
equal. In fact, three as the first of the numbers of perfection in the
scriptures denotes divine perfection. There are three divine attributes of God:
omnipresence and omnipotent.
We wrap it up with the
presence of the trinity in the Bible. The Trinity was evident in the words of
God in Genesis 1:26 and in Gen 11:7; let
us. They are not one, but three. When the Lord visited Abraham in the
appearance of three persons in Gen. 18, the Bible recorded in the very first
verse that the Lord (singular) appeared to Abraham. Abraham addressed them as
one (v.3). The three spoke as many (vv.5.9) and as one (vv. 13.15). The
question comes: why did the Lord choose to appear as three men? The Lord gives
Moses a three-format blessing of how to bless the Israelites in Numbers
6:23-24. Why are the blessings not more than three and not less? I have also
continued to imagine why God identified himself as the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
There is no fourth name. The Psalmist in 62:12 says that the Lord has said only
one thing (as One God), but he understand two (as a human being), and ended up saying
three (as a community of three).
Jesus came to be born
into the family of Mary and Joseph, making them three. He prolongs the
community of three he has ever lived in before the creation of the world. At his
birth, he inspired three wise men to visit him and present to him the three
gifts of gold, Frankincense and Myrrh. The gifts show that the Father, Son, and
Holy Spirit are all a part of the mission. The gifts have no permission not to
be up to three. In 1 Corinthians 13:13, there are three things that last, Paul says:
Faith, Hope and Charity. These three virtues
are eternal because the three persons of the Blessed Trinity are eternal. Three
things will always last. The three are eternal.

Providentially, our
system of Governing has chosen a three dimensional pattern of the Executive,
the Judiciary and the Legislature. The question should be constantly asked: how
do they work in an incorruptible harmony to achieve oneness and progress in the
country? The success of the Trinity cannot ever be over-emphasized. Unity brings
forth progress. The onlookers will be overtaken by events that they will ask
themselves: when did they achieve all these? If you want progress, seek for
unity. The trinity had resounding success in their work of salvation for
mankind because of their inseparable unity and love. We can achieve too
resounding success if we develop and work for unity in our various areas of
human endeavour. May the trinity inspire me; inspire you and inspire all of us. I
wish you a blessed week ahead. God bless you.
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